Every 6 months, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has a thing called Conference; where all of the president's and its leaders of the Church go up and bring a message from God (through them) to the World of insights, truth and blessings. This conference touched the deepest parts of my soul and really spoke to every inch inside of me. I am filled with this abundant amount of love and peace on my heart, soul and mind. I received many answers of clarity and everything just kind fit perfectly together. Through each and every talk, I literally found countless amounts of insights for myself that have become my favorite part of each talk. Below, are quotes from different prophets and apostles of the Church that brought more light and guidance to my life.
Trials may come... but if we quietly and humbly submit to the Lord he will give strength.. and we will be blessed with inner peace - Elder Porter
Having the Holy Ghost as our constant companion is the ultimate indicator of being accepted of God - Elder Kropschke
A broken heart is a soft, an open, and a receptive heart - Elder Kopischke
The words, I love you, I forgive you, and thank you very much are like balm to the soul - Elder Falabella
Hope on! Journey on! Fan the flame of your faith! Because all things are possible to him that believeth - Elder Holland
All things are possible to them that believe- Elder Holland
Belief is a precious word and even a more precious act! -Elder Holland
When doubt our difficutly come, do not be afraid to ask for help - Elder Holland
Do not start your quest for faith by stating how much you do not have... be true to the faith you do have - Elder Holland
A knowledge of truth and answers to our greatest questions come to us as we are obedient to the commandments of God - President Monson
Thou shalt love thy wife with all they heart and cleave unto her and none else - Elder Clayton
Strengthening faith, strengthens marriage - Elder Clayton
These things are important, temple marriage, college, mission, set goals, write history, take pics 2x year - Sister Wixom
The darkness will surely fade because it cannot exist in the light. As we draw nearer to God he will draw nearer to us - President Uchtdorf
"You too, are an important part of this miracle. If you do not have a full time missionary tag, now is the time to paint one on your heart" - Elder Anderson
Can I get an Amen, Amen, and Amen!
such a big AMEN.
ReplyDeleteSO good. Filled my lamp as well! Awesome post.
I love you!