Monday, April 23, 2012

wishful thinking

There are over 7 billion people in this world.
7 billion people that wish on the same dark sky.
7 billion wishes that are heard, and just this once. . . 

 I wish you could hear mine.

I wish you could step inside my mind.
See what I see, feel what I feel and breathe what I breathe.
I wish you could step inside my mind and realize all that I truly am 
and that last night...
 I wished for you. 

I wish you love and abundance always.
I wish you happiness and joy forever.
I wish you forgiveness and freedom from all that holds you back.
I wish you health and wealth because your health is your wealth.
I wish you trust and truth with yourself and others.
I wish you peace and harmony from now until eternity..
From my heart to yours I wish for you...


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