Thursday, April 12, 2012

living in moments

Ever have one of those days where everything just feels off?
One of those days where, for some reason, 
you can't seem to do anything right.

Everyone seems to run into 'one of those days.' You know what I say to those days, I say to hell with you, I am still going to make every second count, because that is all you can do. 
No complaining, revenge or irritable sensations will make your day change, so you just have to make the best of it. Make the best of each and every second. Treat those minutes as if they were the most important moments of your life. Chances are, you may miss opportunities handed to you throughout the day if you do not keep yourself motivated, positive and moving forward. 

There are plenty of things that go on throughout your day where we can sit around and complain about, but what's the point. There's so much to be grateful for. There are plenty of things that occur on a daily basis that we just let fly by. Take time to sit, breathe and look around you. For whatever reason that is getting you down, realize the good around you happening. For me, there is always two goods in every one bad. Sometimes, I am almost grateful something bad happens to me because I know the other half will be twice as good. 

Life is all about the laughter; you are in charge of your own happiness

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