Sunday, September 23, 2012

it's my turn to be brave

Sometimes I feel if I open my mouth, I will start speaking nonsense,
I will start admitting things that no one should know.
Sometimes, my only wish is for everyone to know my secrets,
for everyone to know all the monsters that tear within my insides, crawling out wishing to escape. Maybe if they knew, they would understand a little more.

But lets cut to the reals, that will never happen; at least not all at once.
&& I am fine with the idea that, everyone will not know or understand everything.
But as for me, it is my decision to jump the fear of risk.

It is my decision to:
I am one who enjoys adventure.
Who enjoys a good risk.
&& for some reason, I am completely afraid to take this one risk.
But I can't be afraid, it's my turn to be brave

People are going to find out my secrets.
They are going to find our the monsters that hide inside of me
&& for once in my life, I am okay with that.
I am okay in knowing that I am finally ready to be free 
and travel into a world of love, adventure, beauty and truth


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