Wednesday, September 19, 2012

to fear the within

Most of us depend on external things for our happiness. 
Our whole life depends upon “if” and what “could be”. 
The key to your happiness is within you, not in other people, things or situations. I am not talking in abstract terms; I am referring to your higher self.

There is an infinite source of wisdom, love & power within you. 
This is what your higher self is. This is who you really are. 
When you realize your sense of oneness with God, Allah, The Infinite or Divinity, you discover a sense of peace & joy that you never experienced before.

Get rid of fear. 
The real you has unlimited courage. 
You have nothing to be afraid of. 

Have faith in your inner power that is the divine power of God. 

Stop worrying. 
You are never alone. 

There is something in you, guiding & loving you at all times. 
It doesn’t matter what your past is.
 Today is the new day. Start over. 
Erase the negative pictures on the canvas of your mind. 
Be a clean slate and then start drawing beautiful pictures. 
When your mind is free from negative & restrictive thoughts, 
you are ready to realize your oneness with God.

The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. 

You trade in your reality for a role. 
You trade in your sense for an act. 

You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. 
There cannot be a large-scale revolution until there is a personal revolution; 
it's got to happen inside first.


  1. Can I suggest a book for you my love?
    You need to read "The Artists Way."
    Look it up. Buy it.
    Do it.
    You'd love it.
    This was great (: As always. Thank you!

    1. tiff, how do you find these things?
      this book looks awesome.
      if you have a list of more, send it my way :))
      thanks love!
