Monday, October 29, 2012

on the mind

My heart broke this morning to some horrific news.
The Bishop of my Ward informed us that 
a girl in our ward had committed suicide this past week.
It came to a shock to us all; as she is the Ward chorister, a beautiful young woman who always bore the strongest testimony each month on Fast Sunday. You could tell she had been through a lot of heartache, but yet had so much soul, power, love and strength inside of her that she had life on lock. 

It made me truly think about those around us. 
What exactly is their story and what is going on behind the walls? 

Every single day, we have the tendency to assume, judge, and criticise those who we see as "better than us" or those who live a "so called perfect life" when in reality, we should come to the realization that EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THIS WORLD EXPERIENCES HEARTACHE. 

Every single person will go through bad days.
Every single person faces trials.
We all face heartaches.
We shed countless amounts of tears.
We all find ourselves at rock bottom some point in time.
&& we all experience death one way or another (mental, physical, spiritual).

Some are because of our own choices, and others, well, such is life.

Today made me really think of the countless amount of times I let myself walk by a boy or girl who was sitting alone, or the individual struggling to carry the heavy load out to their car that I did not ask to help, the old couple I did not open the door for because I simply 
needed to be somewhere more important, or the ignored reaction
 I gave to the stranger who smiled my way.

I have learned to NEVER take the voice inside of you for granted. That when the spirit tells you to call someone just to ask how they are doing, that you do it. When you have the eager to compliment a random stranger on the outfit 
they are wearing or to not be afraid to lend a helping hand to a struggling mother with her five children. Those little random acts of kindness that are shared between the spirit and you may ultimately save a life and I promise you, 
it will uplift and strengthen yours. 

With that said, I hope you all had a happy Sunday, felt the spirit loads, 
and learned lots.For tomorrow is a new day, and we have the chance 
to become better than we were the day before.


  1. Oh my goodness, that is the saddest thing. Really makes you think twice about your actions and how you treat others. You never know what might affect someone. It makes me so sad to hear what people go through and if we were all a little bit nicer and a little bit better, these things may not happen or at least as much. :(

    now at

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about that story. It really is so true, sometimes you really don't know what's going on with someone's life, and even if you did, there's a huge possibility you still wouldn't understand everything, if at all, anything! I know this is kind of a stretch, but I think of it every time I'm out running, and pass someone who is running the other direction. A lot of times, people will give the little courtesy wave, and I always think to myself "I wonder how many miles they've ran this morning". At first it may come off as a competition in my mind, but then it makes me just ponder and think about what their whole story is. Obviously it's all just made up in my mind, because I don't really know the person. But in the end, it goes to show the power of assumptions, first impressions, and perspective. Sorry for the long comment, but your post just seemed to latch onto the same kind of thinking I've had today! Hope all is well!
