Friday, October 12, 2012

they call it puppy love

watching my niece and nephews has been the highlight 
of my days the last couple of weeks.
no one and nothing brings me more joy 
than those little babes.

the other night, as i was putting little ju-ju ( 1 yr old nephew ) to bed, he had just got done crying after putting his little footy pajamas on and trying to feed him his nightly bottle, when he suddenly stopped crying. 

He then rubbed his tired face 
and looked up at me with his big brown eyes 
as he just gazed into mine for a few minutes. 

Having those beautiful brownies stare into mine for those few minutes made me feel something I have been waiting to feel for a long time. 
The feeling of pure love. 
That everything is going to be ok 
and for the first time in months, 
I felt safe. 
I felt secure. 
I felt normal. 

Since I have no child of my own, after that night, I have been on this 'baby hungry craze' and have been seriously considering buying a little pup such as this:

so what do you think? 
should I give in and buy a pup?

'cause lets be honest, 
no one can resist a set of beautiful brown eyes. 

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