Sunday, November 18, 2012

tag, you're it!

I was nominated for this liebster award by none other,
 the beautiful Rylee Blake
You're probably asking yourself, "What in the world is a Liebster?"

Let me explain.

It's an award/shoutout to bloggers who have less than 200 followers. It's a way to get your blog name known and have a few extra followers. 
Doesn't sound too bad, right?

So here is what to do. You must:
>> list 5 things about yourself
>> answer 11 questions your nominee made for you
>> choose your own 11 favorite blogs to nominate
>> create questions for them to answer
>> && let them know they are nominated

Five Things about Alicia>>ME

1. My name "Alicia" comes from the Spanish root meaning "Angel of Light" which plays a significant role from when I was born since I was diagnosed with Spinalmeningitis when I was 3 weeks old. If you don't know what it is, basically, it's a bacterial infection that is pretty common for babies to get and when they do, they end up with a disability, mentally handicapped or their life ends on short notice. Through a miracle, I received none of the above (thank goodness) and ended up being a miracle baby, to which my family would always call me, their angel. Their angel of light that was sent to stay here for a reason. 

2. In first grade, my parents placed me in Spanish Immersion (an Elementary program that teaches Spanish to kids) and from 1st-12th grade, that's all I did. I learned how to read and write in Spanish before I knew how to read and write in English. It really through me off as I was little, but today, I am grateful I learned Spanish because I use it every single day at my work.

3. I started my blog my Sophomore year of college (Spring 11') because of my roomie Rylee Blake who showed me her blog and how it all worked 
and from then on, I became hooked. Thanks Ry!

4. For as athletic as I am, I have never once broken/sprained a bone. I became lucky in that department, but concussions, that is a whole different level. I have had 6 total concussions in my life, which according to Doctors, concussions share the equivilance of the lives of a cat, so technically, I have 3 more left to spare (kidding mom)! The experience of my concussions actually led me to my passion for trauma, psychology and behavior modifications, which is what I really want to go to school for. So in a way, I guess I can say thank you.

5. I am a passionate person when it comes to music. If I could, I would put everything on my life on hold just to learn how to sing and play the piano better. I get it from my mom, her heart for music transfered to mine. If I could live a second life, I would like to have it be the type where I am constantly singing, playing the piano, performing little coffee shop shows 
and traveling to play music. 

Questions from Rylee Blake

1. if you could do anything and money was no matter, what would you do?
Honestly, travel the world and go to all 7 continents and do a humanitarian, service project in each one. 

2. what is your favorite memory?
Back in Kindergarten, this girl named Angie and I would make burritos, cut them up in thin slices and bring them to school to sell for 0.10 cents a slice to the other Kindergarteners and would make a decent profit out of it. Thanks mum, for making the burritos :)) 

3. who has made the biggest impact on who you are today?
My Young Women's teacher, miss Patti Judd ( who is my new Pinterest follower as of last week). She literally saved my life throughout my High School years when I felt very much alone. She was my second mum, my guardian angel and one of the biggest influences of who I wanted to be and how I wanted to carry myself as I grew older.

4. if you could be any celebrity, who would you be and why?
Jennifer Anniston. If I will look half as decent as she does at her age, I would be fine with life.

5. favorite holiday
4th of July or Christmas. I am a sucker for anything that has to do with lights/fireworks.

6. favorite movie
Remember the Titans 

7. who is your biggest role model?
My mum. 

8. where is the best vacation location?
Thailand, hands down.

9. what goals do you have for the next year?
I hope they call me on a mission.... surprise! Hopefully leaving by my Birthday in May.

10. what were you like in high school? 
Two words. Sports enthusiast. I went to two High School's and at one, I played Basketball and was on several sports leagues. I could not get enough of sports. I guess you could say I was looked as a jock, but wasn't your stereotypical jock as in the movies. Besides my two girlfriends, the rest of my friends were boys. Nothing against the girls in my High School, my tom-boy mind-set and lack of fashion made me not connect with many girls on several levels and I felt more in my comfort zone playing sports and being one of the "guys" 

11. what makes you happy?
The outdoors. I am a hiking frenzy and could spend hours upon hours being out in nature. My nieces and nephews. Those babes mean the world to me and I am so lucky to be able to see them as much as I can.