Wednesday, November 14, 2012

the next plane home; slug magazine

Ever heard of slug magazine? 
If not, you should get your ish together and go web search it right now.

SLUG = Salt Lake Under Ground.

It is one of the oldest independent magazines that continues to publish regularly that provides free publication for local and national music.

Tonight, slug magazine helped sponsored local artists as well as a short story film called The Next Plane Home [making of the movie filmed below]. 


Basically, if I could sum up tonight in a nutshell it would be:

Harmonica & banjos.
Cardigans and scrappy facial hair.
Old school films.
&& a little taste of winter while drinking hot cocoa.

Easily one of the best dates I have been on in a while, with one of the best company, music and atmosphere's I could be in. I felt my hipster roots come out tonight, talking of literature, outdoor guru stuff, 
and a passion for certain harmonic beats. 

 Tonight's talented musicians:

Look 'em up. If you like indie/folk music, 
I promise you will not be disappointed. 
[they are all in bands named: lady & gent, mighty sequoyah, & brady parks && the indianns]
&& for that, this is how #typicaltuesdays occur 


  1. Thanks for coming Alicia! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

    1. you're welcome. next time you do something like this again, let me know and i will be there :))

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. For sure! We're thinking of possibly doing a similar premiere/concert type event (for free) when we get the short film all finished up. Feel free to "like" our page on Facebook so you can get the updates on that. (
