Wednesday, December 19, 2012

a letter from The King

Amongst all the silly rocks life throws your way,
I am grateful I have a King who watches over me daily. 
Who is always watching my every move, thought, word and feeling. 

I am grateful for a King  

                                   who lets his dignity, 
                                                  and wisdom 

                                                                       become mine.  

Here is a letter from The King, made, especially for you

It is time to get dressed for battle, my beloved. 
You are more than a Princess; you are "My Princess Warrior." 
I am going with you onto the battlefield, and in those times you feel as if there is no fight left inside of you, My spirit will rise up inside your soul 
and My strength will become your strength.
My mighty armor will guard your heart from the fiery arrows of the enemy. 
In the power of My Holy Spirit, you will find the passion
and power to step out in faith and face any spiritual giant that comes against you.
Your battles won for My Kingdom will become a blessing to all generations.

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