Tuesday, January 22, 2013

one simple decision

Working at a sports grill, you tend to get some interesting people that walk through the bar. 
Today just happened to be filled with them.
To start out, I ended up being part-time waitress as well as part-time babysitter for a table of mine. She wanted me to watch her 2 year old daughter as she "went to the bathroom" for about 20 minutes. Next on the list, an old hipster that looked like Matisyahu's twin. No lie. He sits down at my booth, orders a plate full a wings and then whips out his bong and starts smoking. Say whaa? a bong. Yeah, he legit brought this "travel bong kit" and smoked it like he's at some hukah bar. 

But just wait, you think this day could get any weirder, hear this...

A man, maybe in his mid-30s, walks into wingers with layers of clothes on, a beanie, and a backpack weighing easily well over 100 ibs. Anyways, he sits down and asks, what can I get for 6 dollars? I explained to him the cheapest way to get a meal. 
He ordered his meal and as I went back to type it in, I peaked around the corner to creep on him for a second and asked myself, "is this six dollars the only six dollars he has?" 

I then explained to the manager about this man on my table 
and that I wanted to by his meal for him. 
When it came time to pay, I walked over and told him he was the 100dth costumer today and he received a free meal. I knew he didn't buy it, but he looked up at me with the biggest smile of gratitude and said thank you and headed out the door. 

I really don't know if he was homeless or not, or what his situation is, but I knew I would regret the decision of not doing anything about it. But the look on his face and the tone of his voice when he thanked me said it all. When you have a feeling to do or say something, I advice you act on those feelings. It may change someone or yourself more than you could ever know. 

So thank you to the young mother, the old hipster and the mysterious homeless man
 for opening my eyes to finding a little more of myself today. 

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