Tuesday, January 15, 2013

the deer

Lately, i've had an obsession with antlers. 
I've been pinteresting antler decor, DIY tutorials and jewelry like it's my business. I decided to look up the meaning of an antler. Check it. 

Antlers are symbols of antennae, connections to higher forms of attainment. 
Deer with antlers can be a signal to pay attention to your inner thoughts and perceptions. 
They are probably more accurate than you think. 

The antlers are shed every year, and each year they grow back larger and with more points. 
If a deer has entered your life, look for new perceptions and degrees of perceptions to grow and expand just as their antlers do. It can indicate that there will be opportunities to stimulate
 gentle new growth that can be increased throughout the years. 

When a deer shows up in your life, it is a time to be gentle with yourself and others. A new innocence and freshness is about to be awakened or born. There is going to be a gentle, enticing lure of new adventures. Ask yourself important questions. Are you trying to force things? Are others? Are you being too critical and uncaring of yourself? When a deer shows up, be grateful, for this means that new doors to adventure awaits you. 

Kinda cool, right? I thought so. 


  1. I love the antler ring and necklace. That's pretty unique as I've never seen that design before.

    I love your blog, by the way! *Now your newest follower via agreader. :)

  2. Thank you! If you have Pinterest you can find them both on there to buy :))
