Thursday, April 11, 2013

contagion, a true story

Smiling is contagious, you catch it like the flu,
                     When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner, and someone saw my grin -
When he smiled I realized, I'd passed it on to him.
I thought about that smile, then I realized its worth,
A single smile, just like mine, could travel round the earth.
So, if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected -
Let's start an epidemic quick and get the world infected

The past couple of days, I have had the bad case of a stomach virus. 
Not necesarily the stomach flu, that would have been a lot easier to handle 
than what I was experiencing. I'd rather puke up my insides then experience 
sharp stabs throughout my stomach all day long.

But anyways, I'm the type of body who cannot sit still. If I have a day off or cannot go into work because of being ill, I find a way to go out and find an adventure. 
So what did I do? I called up a friend I hadn't seen for a while and we went on a slow, 
but enjoyable nature walk up the Canyon. Then, I took myself on a drive to Macey's 
for some frozen yogurt (since that was the only thing my body could keep down without turning it up). 

As I sat there in the parking lot of Macey's soaking up this warm Spring sun, I noticed a homeless man at the corner of the street who was asking for anything anyone had to offer. I watched him for a good minute while I saw a car roll down their window and hand him some change and something they had bought while being at the grocery store. I watched as this man's face went from night to day. I saw the true grace in his heart and eyes and the gratitude he had for this individual that actually paid attention.

Since that car, the homeless man had this permenant smile on his face and began to wave to each passing car. His attitude went from sadness to making the people around him feel loved they way he just felt. That is when I realized the true genuinity of that of listening to what or who around you needs help. Needs a little bit of an extra push, hug or smile that day. There is something so contagious and has the power to heal from that of a simple act of service. May we all remember to try a little harder to be a little better then the day before, and remember to always carry love in your hearts. 

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