Friday, September 14, 2012

a prayer of gratitude

Another restless night.

But this time it's something good.
This time, I am restless because I cannot stop thinking.
I cannot stop thinking, dreaming and knowing how beautiful life is.

How beautiful each precious moment, gift and person you come in contact with every single day.
How incredibly lucky I am to have the opportunities that I am given.
That I have battles that teach me to fight
&& that each day, there is a new lesson to be learned.

Tonight I feel gratitude.
Gratitude for the people in my life, no matter how many miles we may be apart, we can still feel connected as if we stood in the same room. Gratitude that two complete strangers, can form such an impactful friendship that can last a lifetime

Tonight I am grateful for California.
A california dream that has become my reality
&& I never want to let it go

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