Monday, October 15, 2012

it's a tender-mercy kind of day

Sometimes, life hits you unexpectedly. 
In fact, it hits you across the face pretty hard.

Sometimes, things come up repeatedly.
Almost too much, to the point of giving up.

Sometimes, you cannot help but wake up on the wrong side of the bed.
Life has a mind of its own and you may have no control.

During those days, kind of like the one I had today, 
I try and keep myself positive.
I try and keep myself occupied by running until my legs will not let me, hiking until I have no more room to hike, and climbing until I have reached the highest peak I can climb. Other times, things that I like to call "tender mercies" come my way that I thank God for every single day.

Today i received a tender mercy through a text message 
that just happened to say, 

Talk about a trainreck. Man, did that hit me harder than the sadness and worries I was feeling this morning. Sometimes, it just takes a simple phrase, a simple line from a song, a smile from a stranger or one of those hugs you give out just because. You know, those little things that happen to create those big impactful changes, bring a little positivity in your day, or infact, save your life. 

Even without asking, I am grateful God gives me those "tender mercy" moments every day. Those tender mercies that help me realize that everyday offers something beautiful. Where there is much to be learned and shared every single day. That no life has no waste. Each day we carry with us more strength than the day before and it is ultimately up to us to choose whether we accept the tender mercies or ignore them.

I choose to accept and fight for my life, my family, 
my friends, and for my future.

What do you choose?


  1. Your blog post was a tender mercy to me today. :) Thank you!

    1. glad to know it helped more than just me :))) you're so welcome!
