Sunday, October 14, 2012

pint size pie

I have never seen or heard of a Whoopie Pie before, but when it comes to a Sunday, my town has this thing of creating a social event out of baking desserts. We like to call it: Dessert Night. Catchy, I know.

I woke up to an early church in order to make it to a friend's Homecoming talk (since he had been serving a Mormon mission for the past 2 years), and everyone in Utah well knows, after these so-called Homecoming addresses, there is an abundant amount of food, food, treats, food.... oh, and did i mention the word food? Yeah, lets just say there is enough food to feed the entire town. 

I don't really have a sweet tooth for things, but when one of my girlfriends insisted that I try his Mother's famous seasonal Whoopie Pies, I decided to try. "What the heck, right?" It is Halloween season, might as well get my sweet tooth started. After the first bite, I was hooked. 
These are probably the best treats I have ever encountered.  

I could not pass these up and had to ask my friend's mother, what the recipe to these babies are. She told me she got it from the Martha Stewart website who provides an easy-follow-to-read recipe here

If any of you would like to join, or make them for your own Desert Night, 
feel free to grab this recipe and try it out for your own. 
I promise that you and your guests will be stuffing faces. 

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