Sunday, October 21, 2012

random ramblings at 3 in the morn'

My 6 month streak ended tonight when 
I decided to give in and go to a dance party.
I told myself after Spring Break, I was completely done with the "dance party scene" here in Utah 
and my excuse was, I just grew out of it. 

Tonight reassured me that I made the right decision. 
I really don't understand why I got into my dance party craze; I literally would go to a party almost every single night. I guess when I burn out, I burn out hard. Tonight reminded me of why I decided to make the changes 
I did, move forward in the direction I want to push towards and surround myself in a social setting 
that doesn't include the words: 
grind-fest, competition, kissing face, and staredowns. 

If you knew me a few months ago, you would never 
picture me saying the things above. I guess you could say people change. Maybe this is a good change for me, who knows. But lets just say ending my streak of being the all-nighter, hip thrusting, dance party chica had its good run, but I am taking off the hats; 
it just wasn't the real me. 

I have noticed something inside me 
that is starting to unfold.

If you ask me, "are you scared?", 
the answer will be, absolutely. 
Do I understand the reason why? 
Not even close. 

But I can tell you this, i know it is something good. 
Real good; And I can honestly say, 
that I am truly and honestly happy.

Here is to great memories && new beginnings.

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