Monday, October 22, 2012

only through a safe-rope

One thing I look forward to ever day is nightly chats with my Mum and Dad. 
We usually talk about how our days went, what we look forward to in the future, or lessons we have learned. Without fail, I always come out feeling better, wiser and happier no matter how good or bad the rest of my day went. 

Last night's daily chat was that of the beautiful sport 
and adventure-thrill of parasailing. 

It sounds random, but I will explain why our little chat 
of parasailing literally changed the way I look at life. 

Let me explain.... 

When parasailing, you have a rope that is connecting you and the boat while being strapped into a harness with a parachute connected above. Parasailing, as explained by my mom, creates the feeling of no fear. The fact that you are high above the ocean water, feeling as if you are flying throughout the sky creates a sense of "feeling free" and knowing that you are connected to a boat, with people watching over you and a parachute to keep you afloat, you literally experience a sense of no fear; that everything is going to be alright, that you are being protected, you are safe, you have people watching over you and that there is no way that you could possibly fall. 


If we don't follow the safety and rules of parasailing 
and cut ourselves off from the line that keeps us safe, we will fall. 

The ways of parasailing are exactly like the ways of life. 
We have support systems, safety ropes to hold onto, someone or something above that keeps us going, and if we disconnect ourselves from that rope or go against the rules we are given, we ultimately are on our own and find ourselves 
in fear, feeling unsafe, and knowing the reality that if we do not gain control 
or find our way to connect ourselves back on that rope, we are going 
to fall fast and we are going to fall hard. 

Sometimes, life's answers are that simple. As simple as keeping both hands locked on that tiny little rope that keeps yourself living without fear. 
So why do some of us let go? 
That is the question I ask myself every time I find myself living in a fear.
Why on earth would I let go to the one thing that is keeping me safe.

Parasailing opened my eyes. 
It helped me realize what my safe-rope is and how I should never let it go.
I just hope that you to, find your own safe-rope 
and promise yourself that you will never let go.


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