Tuesday, October 2, 2012

my lucky seven

Dear Angel Above;

Seven years ago, I went through a trial that changed my life forever.
A trial that has helped me mend who I am today and what I strive to become.
A trial that tought me valuable life-lessons and the importance of forever.
That family is always number one and the power of love can heal all.

There is no other way to explain the importance of what you have done 
for our family than what my sister/your mother 
has explained HERE; ANGEL ABOVE. [please read] 

Seven years ago, I gained a guardian angel that has literally, saved my life.
She has taught me the importance of second chances.

The importance of unity within a family.
The importance of prayer and love.
&& the importance of faith.

Thank you for never letting me fall.
For standing up for me, always.
&& for being there through it all.

I know all of us have guardian angels in our lives, 
but what makes mine different than most is I know them by name.

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