Sunday, September 30, 2012

just for my reminder

all i have to say about last night is

good times
good music
good memories

Let me back up and give you a little re-cap. PICTURE THIS;

an overlook of the Salt Lake City skyline while jacuzzin' on a rooftop, followed by a stomach pain from laughing at youtube videos for a solid hour, topped off with a personal concert by a boy who has the voice that sends me into dream-mode. 

not to bad, eh?
i thought so too.

sometimes, it is a nice rememberance that simple brings happy.
that playing "name that tune" for more than an hour, makes you forget everything you ever worried about. or that you may/may not make it home by the end of the night because your car keeps overheating.  

sometimes, you need one of those nights with that one friend who makes you feel comfortable.
makes you feel like a kid again.
who keeps you laughing until you have no room to laugh.
someone that brings down your walls, 
&& just lets you really be who you want to be.

who doesn't judge.
doesn't put up a front.
&& just lets you live free.

so thank you to my salt lake city, music loving, soul singing boy.


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