Thursday, December 13, 2012

the quest of hearts

Not being in school and only working 4 hour days,
 a lot of people ask me what I do with my free time. You really want to know?
I do a lot of thinking. I mind-wander about the future; Particularly about love.
Yes, I am a hopeless romantic and I am not ashamed of it.

I am that girl who goes ga-ga for engagement stories, cries during chick-flicks 
and prefers a man who goes out of his way to see 
how I am doing over a fancy schmancy date.

The past week, I have been kind of a down-er lately (my blog posts have been affected by my mood swing and I apologize for the sad, sappy posts) but If only you understood, or maybe you do. Maybe you've been in my position or will be someday and you will understand how much life isn't life without love. 
This week I have had some extra time to myself (as if I don't get enough already), but I honestly can say, I love my alone time. I found myself looking up quotes, stories and videos on how people found love. Kind of cheesy, I know, but I promise you they are good, real good. If you want to read the cutest engagement story I ever read, read it here.

If you wanna watch the cutest story 
of how two people fell in love, watch this.

And if you want to know how it ends, 
you should probably watch this. 


  1. Hailey Devine is my Sista Twin!
    Alicia, I love this post. I love that you are a love obsessor.

    1. You two really do look like sisters haha, that's so funny. And it's true, i really am. I guess the secret's out.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
