Friday, January 4, 2013

as it happens

On the mind as of lately, I have been getting these crazy desires to go exploring. 
Not the kind of exploring where you go hiking for an afternoon, 
find hippie forts or go on a drive until your gas runs out, I am talking about 
the kind of exploring that people would make as a conversation starter. 
The kind of exploring that is thrilling, adventurous, and pushes your limits. 

I don't really know when this "adventure drive" started and for how long it is going to last, but all I know is that I have to do something. I got a call yesterday from a friend who saw my snowshoeing pictures and asked me if I wanted to go on an overnight adventure in the Uintas with snowshoes. Um, duh. Of course I was in. So as of next Tuesday, my exploring officially starts. If I stop blogging after next week and you don't hear from me, I probably got hypothermia and died. Just kidding. Lets hope that won't be the case. 

Oh, and since I've been on this outdoor-adventure craze, 
I've been watching a lot of documentaries and short films of climbing, hiking, backpacking, well... anything outdoorsy, you name it. Here's a short film of two men, 
who I think are the steez, that climbed Napal a few years back. 
I will attempt an intense rock/ice climb once in my life (sorry mom)

Obsessed? Check out more videos here and here oh and maybe here.

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