Sunday, March 3, 2013

apologies worth needing

It has literally  been a month since my last blog post and I apologize for that.
I kind of went on a "cleanse" from reality and to be quite honest, I did not miss anything that had to do with social media besides my blog. 

Being on this cleanse has literally changed my perspective on everything. As of this week, something big is about to take place and, for the life of me, I want to tell you but I can't. 
Just know I have been waiting for this to happen for months now and you'll know soon enough within the next few weeks what it actually is. 

This past month, I've been going on dates like mad. And get this, I have literally liked every single one of them (blind date or not) and ladies and gentlemen, this sort of thing just doesn't happen around these parts of town, especially with me being the pickiest of all picky. I guess it shows that when you accept yourself and let God into your life completely,
 everything falls into place, I promise you that. 

Oh, and I decided to let my virgin hair become non-virgin anymore. 


I'm finally giving in. Thoughts?


  1. SO pretty! Love it! I admire you for doing a media cleanse. That's so awesome! You're an inspiration!

  2. You've been missed, but I totally agree with you! Those breaks from social media are so so needed. LOVE THAT HAIR. And I will be anxiously awaiting the announcement - whatever it may be (: I love you Beesh!!!

  3. I love your hair it looks so cute!! I need to do a media cleanse!! maybe i'll try it this week!! Glad it was a good thing for you!

  4. CUTE HAIR! I need to change mine asap.
