Friday, April 5, 2013

based around rainstorms

I love this time of year. Rain on rain on rain. 
Everyone wants to stay inside and cuddle, 
I want to be out exploring. 
Mud wrestling. 
Smelling the fresh air.

I want to bask in the clouds and have the rain fall on my face.
I want to soak it all in. Soak it all up as I keep a permenant smile on my face.
There is just something about a rainstorm, amidst all the noise and currents, there is a sense of peace and beauty. It made me think about life's trials and how amidst all the fear, pain, and deppression, there is beauty behind it's meaning and purpose. 
To help cleanse your soul as the rain cleans the air. 

Life is full of storms. While you and I pursue our God given dreams we will encounter many storms. Some will be mild others will be difficult. The life that we live on this earth is full of troubles. When faced with troubles we need to remember what Jesus said in John 16:33, In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
You are in one of three areas right now. You’ve just got out of trouble, or you're in it right now, or you're headed into it. Trouble is a part of life. You will have difficulties.

 So the next time a rainstorm comes by, 
go outside and dance in the rain and breathe it all in. 

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