Thursday, May 9, 2013

an appropriate throwback

It just so happens that my birthday was on a Thursday now and one week later, I've finally managed some time to throw up some pictures, memories 
and thank you's to those who made it memorable. 

So here's to whoever came up with "Throwback Thursay" 
and "Thursday Birthday's" ( It just sounded catchy since it rhymed)

I am so blessed with family and friends 
who treated me like a goddess on my special day.

To Start Out >>>>  
Big shout outs to this babe of a friend 
who treated me to a birthday lunch at the amazing Tortilla Bar. 
Then, a quick pit stop to The Roll Up right across the street 
for this amazing Cinammon Roll Crepe. 
And yes, it tastes just as good as it looks.  
Followed by a family party
filled with lots of lovin', 
and baby nuggies. 

What more could I ask for, right?
Oh wait, there's more. . . 
Then, my friends and I threw ourselves a fire 
in celebration for my birthday and my besties going away party.
Needless to say, it turned out amaze. 
But only one problem, there were maybe 10 guys to every 1 girl.
But if you're from Provo, you know that this is just an everyday occurance. 

So here's to 22, to amazing friends, family and for memories sakes. 

Until next year..... 

1 comment:

  1. aint no thing baby!! you deserved every last bit of it! love you so much and am so grateful to have you in my life and to call you one of my best friends!! xoxo

    p.s. aren't you glad that i finally figured out how to follow you after all this time?! YES! facepalm...
