Friday, May 10, 2013

life lessons

Sometimes, you just need to do things without reason.
Like when a friend calls you out out of the blue to ask if you'd like to jump out of a plane. Naturally you must always say yes, right?

And that is exactly what happened...


I went skydiving for the first time in my life. Check that off the bucket list.
But let me rewind and let you in behind the scenes. 

So there I was sitting on Pinterest as I get a phone call from my friend Tiff.
"You wanna go skydiving next week?" 

Now fast forward to the day I went skydiving. Nervous? Not really. 
Having second thoughts? Maybe just a little. 
Did it seem real? Absolutely not. 

When people ask me how skydiving went, my response it probably not what they are looking for.  I tell them that it wasn't all that I thought it would be, 
but what you learn about yourself through the experience is all that I needed. 

13,000 feet above ground looking out of a raggedy jetplane about to jump.
A million thoughts go through your mind 
and you literally feel like you are going through limbo.
It is the most surreal experience I have ever felt. 
You learn what you think and feel as you basically fall 
to what could be the last seconds of your life.

You wanna know what I felt?

I felt alive. I felt free. I felt peace. 
Falling 150mph and feeling peaceful? I know what you're probably thinking, but it's the truth. It's hard for me to explain, but you honestly feel as if you are angelic. 

So back to the question, what did skydiving do for me?

It made me realize my true potential.
It cleared my mind and gave me a new way of life.
It strengthened my soul and gave me wings. 
Skydiving opened doors.
It helped me get over my fear and jump (literally) into my next step into life.

The most ordinary of things could be made extraordinary, 
simply by doing them with the right people. 

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