Monday, June 17, 2013

 It's a Father's Day Special 

Yesterday consisted of family time, breaking diets and memory sakes. 

Family time never gets old to me. 
In fact, I don't think I get enough and could use more.
And when it comes to dieting, well... I'm pretty good at the whole "eating clean" but when I found out I was anemic a few weeks ago, dealing with this whole "gluten free" thing is a lot more difficult than I'd thought. Lets just say I didn't follow 
doctor's orders at all and I am feeling the overload today. 

But back to family matters, it was upon Mom's request that we make a trip down memory lane. She asked us to share a few of our favorite memories we have with Dad. I was the last of the bunch and I said, "I missed using my imagination with Dad." 

So my dad is 6"6 and as a little girl, having your dad throw you up in the air on the tramp and playing airplane, was the highlight of my days 
because you feel on top of the world. 

We decided to re-enact the airplane yesterday

&& I have to admit, we did a pretty good job. My 57 year old Dad is still strong as a horse and still keeps my imagination going. It felt good to be a kid again, being in Daddy's arms and laughing until our belly's hurt. Sometimes, we get too caught up in life and forget to laugh, so thank you Mom for the idea of taking a trip down Memory Lane. And dad, thank you for being the man you are. I hope my future hubby 
is half the man you have been to me. He's got big shoes to fill. 

1 comment:

  1. So much fun to see! If your future hubby is only half the man your dad is, he would only be 3' 3'' tall. Aspire for more.
